Saw a little birdie chirping on the internet that Shah Rukh Khan has been replaced by Ranbir Kapoor in Bollywood's adaptation of one of the cutest love stories ever written - 'Two States' by Chetan Bhagat. To say I was glad would be an understatement! :D
Can I digest Shah Rukh in the role of an IIM student? Guess people may argue that if Aamir can be an IIT student,so can Shah Rukh. But somehow,I didn't think it would work out. I mean,he's just NOT exactly right for this role. Shah Rukh is a fantastic actor. Period.'ll be better if a slightly younger-looking Punjabi could play that role,no?And Ranbir was an apt choice for the role of Krish.Brainy IIM student,loverboy,lovesick haggard,persuasive suitor,comical tutor (to his brother-in-law-to-be) and finally a husband.....I think the Kapoor boy can do it all with ease.
But who's he going to romance?Ananya is beautiful,has tons of attitude,loves her family to bits,loves Krish to bits,and has twins at the end!
Umm.....Deepika? :P And please,PLEASE let it not be Asin!Pleeeeease! :-S
Can hardly wait for this one! \m/